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Business Lines of Credit

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Asset-based lending, also known as asset-backed finance, ABL lending or an asset-based loan, provides your small or medium-sized business with fast, flexible financing to optimize cash flow, avoid draining savings accounts and effectively manage critical transitions.

Whether your business is looking to maximize growth opportunities or manage a successful turnaround, asset-backed financial products provide maximum flexibility, especially in the following circumstances:

  • Refinancing
  • Rapid growth
  • Restructuring or turnaround
  • Acquisition, merger or buyout

Asset-based lending works just like a revolving loan, which means it’s available when you need it, and you can pay it down whenever you choose.

#Quick and Easy Cash Loan – When Banks Say No, We Say Yes!
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Asset Based Lending refers to a business loan secured by using a company’s assets as collateral. This allows a company to immediately access the working capital available in their assets, such as Accounts Receivable, Equipment and Inventory. Asset Based loans can be structured as revolving credit facilities, allowing a company to borrow from assets on an ongoing basis to cover expenses or investments as needed. Asset Based Funding is used by companies that need working capital to operate or grow, in some instances these businesses may have reached the limit on their bank line of credit. Often, companies that implement ABL have cash flow problems, many of which stem from rapid growth. Asset Based Lending facilities help companies manage their rapid growth issues and position them in a favorable position for future growth.

Benefits of Asset Based Loans

Borrowing Capacity Growth

As you grow and acquire additional assets (equipment, accounts receivable, inventory, real estate), the asset base of the loan grows, thus providing increases in the availability under the line of credit, which then enables you to make purchases and increase or improve operations.

Flexibility in Use of Proceeds

Many traditional bank loans are approved for a specific purpose or use of funds (equipment acquisition, for example) and therefore the proceeds cannot be used for other expenditures. Funds borrowed from an ABL can be used for any business purpose, and therefore at the discretion of the company.

Faster Approval Times

Oftentimes asset-based lenders approve loans faster than a bank will approve a traditional business loan. The lender will evaluate the collateral being pledged, but because the approval isn’t based solely on historical financial statements or predictable cash flow, review and documentation is often faster.

For Companies with High Debt-to-Worth Ratios

When banks review loan applications, they have specific ratios and loan covenants that must be met. Companies with high debt-to-worth ratios may fall outside the banks’ allowed credit approval criteria. Non-bank asset based lenders are not subject to these constraints and can therefore approve an asset based loan structure much easier with more weight on the collateral and future prospects of the business.

Improved Cash Flow

Asset based loans can improve your company’s cash flow by smoothing the peaks and valleys brought about by the timing differences between the expenditures and receipt of cash. Funds can be used to purchase inventory or raw material ahead of production and sales. Or, when using accounts receivables as the collateral, you have access to funds without having to wait the typical 30-90 days for the customer to pay.

Loan Structure Flexibility

Loan structure for ABL is dependent upon the capital intensity of your business. We can provide financing using different assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, and real estate. Structure and asset mix depend on the assets available and the needs of the company.

How Does an Asset Based Loan Work?

With an asset based loan, the borrower grants the lender a security interest in the collateral. That security interest is the borrowing base for the loan. The lender will establish a maximum limit on the credit line and the borrower requests funds as needed, provided they are meeting the predetermined borrowing base criteria.

The size of the borrowing base grows and shrinks with the size of the asset base, and the amount available to borrow will depend on the size of the borrowing base, which is comprised of accounts receivable, inventory and/or equipment.

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